Special Offer: Schedule Your Perrigo Dental Health Exam or Dental Cleaning With Our 5-Star Dentist in Hoover, AL!
Perrigo Dental Care is happy to provide these two different special offers. Whether you are looking for a consultation with a dentist in Hoover, AL, for specialized treatment options, or whether you are simply looking for a general exam and teeth cleaning, we have you covered!
- Perrigo Dental Health Exam
If you are interested in getting a smile makeover with FastBraces®, Invisalign, dental implants, and more, or if you want to learn more about our sleep apnea treatment, Perrigo Dental Care is here to help. Fill out the form below to receive your complimentary Perrigo Dental Health Exam, including a complete exam, digital x-rays, and a comprehensive treatment consultation. This package, a $250 value, is free and carries no obligation!
- Perrigo Dental Care Special Offer
If it’s been a while since your last dental exam and teeth cleaning, Perrigo Dental Care is excited to offer a special discounted deal for those of you looking for an overall dental examination. This exam is only $49, including x-rays. If you decide you would also like a teeth cleaning while you’re here, it would only cost an additional $69. Fill out the form and get started today!